Friday, August 26, 2011

Brand replica handbags you will choose it?

Will choose the brand replica handbags it? I think many people would say yes, but why?

The answer is simple, how many people can afford to buy designer preowned louis vuitton handbags? Only a few rich women can afford, most of us can only buy some cheap louis vuitton wallet replica handbags instead. Perhaps you will feel incredible, but the truth. Everyone wants to buy a brand louis vuitton diaper bags, both good-looking, decent, a lot of people dream of owning this type of bag.

However, there are two sides to everything, for some people, they will feel that the copy is not a good thing, in their eyes replica handbags are made of inferior materials, and no work. Sometimes a copy to carry out shopping bags, if our friends to find us a copy of designer bags, this is how awkward ah. Therefore, some people are reluctant to buy these bags. This is due to face. You like it?

  Some people may ask, I will buy it? In fact, I do not think to buy this bag will lose face, on the contrary, I often use this type of handbags, it is also very convenient. Despite the lack of noble and generous, but it is very suitable for us ordinary white-collar workers, there is such a handbag, I have been satisfied.

First of all, in appearance. Copy and no difference between the real brand, ordinary people can not tell them, they just use different materials and processes, therefore, have different prices. Durability may be different, but now, handbag design after another, no one will use the same bag a few years, so there is no such worry.

Second, the economic and practical. We all know that a real LV handbag about $ 500 but the price is just a copy of the handbag is $ 120, most people are not willing to spend so much money, unless you have the money, and when I did not say that you need not continue search. Can bring various parties, no one will look down on you, most of them like you might use the same bag, so do not care too much.

Finally, know what our job is. If you are just a small staff, you do not need to buy an expensive handbag, which not only makes you who gossips more despised, thed more harm than good. If you dress up as a star, only to find a rich man. I say you are very hypocritical, do not they do not know our background? If they want to contact you, they will not care about these, if you do not do well, may have the opposite effect, so do not deceive yourself.

In fact, the most important thing is happiness, there are some very good friends, have a harmonious family is happy. Fashion is very empty, no one can really keep up with the trend, do not have to drive the trend, and we just need to catch up with their own, this is not enough of.

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